About Sancus Leadership

The team that changed my mission in life!

Hey you!

Welcome, and in case we haven’t met yet, my name is Gabriel “Gabo” von Knorring.

Developing the next generation of leaders is my “calling” here in life. In this chaotic and fast-changing world, I believe we are short on one key asset, excellent small-team leaders!

I believe we are short on one key asset, excellent small team leaders!

I have spent 14 years as a leader and manager inside and outside the army. I have led everything from small Bomb Disposal units in foreign countries to working in HR departments with the responsibility of hundreds of people.

Over the years, I have made every single mistake you can imagine, but I have been fortunate enough to work with incredibly strong and loyal people willing to give me the feedback I needed, thus allowing me to grow as a leader.

The last unit I forged was an EOD team (military bomb disposal), and we managed to do something unheard of in our part of the army, stick together for multiple years, do multiple deployments together, and outperform all other units (usually teams do one deployment and break up).

This was the ultimate test of my leadership! And I passed.

The mission now is far less dangerous but much more important; my task is to extract the best from military leadership and teach it to the next generation of leaders in the civilian world.

I believe this will give you, the manager or small business owner, the skillset needed to Forge deep trust in your team so that your people want to work together for many years and outperform your competition.

So what was the key to success? The clue is in the name: Sancus Leadership. Sancus was, in the Roman religion, the god of trust, honesty, and oaths.

Sancus was, in the roman religion the god of trust, honesty and oaths.

Deep authentic trust is our key to unlocking loyalty and performance, and that’s why I have created Sancus Leadership.

When you want to forge unbreakable trust in your team, then I invite you to contact me here and let’s see if we should work together.